Friday, September 30, 2011

Introducing The Italian Scallions!

We are Nick and Cayley M., a.k.a. the Italian Scallions, a freshly married couple that fell in love in the kitchen and have been cooking together ever since. No, we are not professional chefs. We are food enthusiasts who have each worked in some element of the food industry - Nick in kitchens as well as as a server and trainer, while Cayley's first job out of college was in marketing for the foremost smoker manufacturer in the United States - learning the tricks of the barbecue trade along the way. While neither of us are currently in the food industry, food is our passion. We love cooking it, eating it, talking about it, watching television shows about it, and most importantly, feeding it to the people we love.

The Italian Scallions (ISs for short - Nick will be IS1 and Cayley will be IS2 - we normally go by our last name followed by the number 'round these parts, but lets be honest, we live with Nick's amazing parents and don't know that they want creepers looking them up on the internets and calling them up at weird hours of the night. Because: 1. We know internet weirdos are out there 2. Yes, some people still do have landline phones and this is therefore a real concern and 3. Yep, you read that right, we live with our parents. And we love it. And I'm not just saying that because they might read this. It's because it's true. In addition to all of the other reasons [like it's great to be around family at the end of the day],  relating to the theme of the blog: it's easier to cook for four people than two [because most recipes are portioned for four]. Also, it's better for you to feed four people then two [because then you're spreading the love and deliciousness even further]. Fact.)

This blog was a natural progression for us. It started with nightly posts of pictures of our dinner to Facebook, which led to recipe requests, which led to meal planning requests. So here's the plan: weekends are for menu planning.  That's when we'll post what's coming up for the week. Want to cook along? Awesome! We'll post recipes then too! On the nights that we cook, we'll post our pictures, stories and reactions to what we made. And if you cooked along with us, you can too. Cayley (once again, IS2 for short, you'll learn quickly we're big on nicknames and abbreviations around here. But not emoticons) will be doing most of the posting, mostly because of the fact that Nick is busy posting over on his other blog, OKGastronaut. Join in, get involved, and let's get cooking!

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